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Frequently Asked Questions

Naturopathic Care - General

Is Naturopathic Medicine covered under OHIP?

Naturopathic care is not covered by OHIP. However, it is covered under most  extended health benefit plans (check with your provider to better understand your coverage). 

What is the cost of a Naturopathic Appointment?

  • ​Initial Appointment: $250 

  • Follow-up Appointment + Bloodwork Review: $150

  • Follow-up Appointment (60-minutes): $200

  • Follow-up Appointment (30-minutes): $100

How many appointments should I expect?

Expect a minimum of 3-4 appointments within the first 3 months of working together while we start your healthcare journey. Then, you can expect to meet 2-3 more times throughout the next 6-9 months to ensure the plan is working and make necessary adjustments. If you want to learn more about the process of working together, click here.

Do you see patients virtually or in-person?

I see patients in-person at my practice at Flourish (located at Young and Davisville in Toronto, ON) as well as virtually for anyone located in Ontario. 

I live outside of Ontario, can I still see you?

Unfortunately, I can only see patients who are located in Ontario at the time of the appointment (even virtually). This complies with the regulations set by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.

What treatments do you use in Naturopathic Medicine?

I primarily use the following modalities in my care, though there are instances where I may recommend additional treatments based on an individual basis:​​

  • Lifestyle changes (nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, stress reduction, etc.) 

  • Supplementation 

  • Botanical Medicine 

  • Acupuncture 

  • Hydrotherapy 

What is Evidence-Informed Care?

Evidence-Informed care is a form of healthcare that integrates the latest research with previous experience to provide up-to-date care. I remain on-top of new research to ensure I can provide you with the best care.

Naturopathic Care - Women's Health

Can I see you if I am already under the care of a fertility clinic?

Yes! Naturopathic Medicine integrates wonderfully with conventional fertility care. Most fertility clinics are very open to working collaboratively with a Naturopathic Doctor.

I am not planning on having a baby right now (or ever), can I still see you?

Absolutely! I work with women to support women's health concerns throughout the lifespan - whether that be period concerns, recurrent yeast or UTI infections, PCOS, low energy, acne, menopause, and more.

Do you treat babies?

Of course! We can book appointments back-to-back so that mom and baby can both get the healthcare they need. 

Doula Care - General

What do your Doula Services Include?

  • ​2 Prenatal Appointments 

  • Attendance at the Labour and Birth 

  • 1 Postpartum Appointment 

How much does Doula Care cost?

My doula package costs $2500, which includes two prenatal appointments, attendance of the birth, and 1 postpartum appointment. If you have benefits, I will do my best to help you maximize using them and will always suggest the care we think would benefit you the most!

I already have a Midwife/OB, why do I need a Doula?

This is not an either-or decision - if you choose to have a Doula, you will also have a Midwife or OB. A Midwife/OB's job is to ensure the health of mom and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. A Doula's job is to support mom physically, emotionally, and educationally throughout this time to allow mom to have the beautiful birthing experience that she wants.

Where do we meet for appointments?

The first prenatal appointment can happen virtually or in-person at Flourish, and the second appointment will be in-person at Flourish. For birth and labour attendance, I will meet you either at your home or the hospital/birth centre, depending on when you want me.

I am having a hospital/home birth, can you support me through that?

Absolutely! I support whatever decision is right for you.

Where do you accept births?

I am currently accepting Birth Clients in Toronto and the GTA.

Do you have a Backup Doula?

I do not currently have a backup Doula. I do not book births with due-dates in close proximity to one-another to prevent missing one birth while being at another.

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